Monday, July 26, 2010

Mapping the Social Internet -- A Global Look

From the current issue of Harvard Business Review there is an excellent visual representation of how people in different countries utilize social networks.

Some of the Key Take-Aways

* Asia is the Most Social -- BRIC and other developing countries show the most engagement overall
* Fewer than 15% of Americans say they've written a blog
* European, North American, and Australian users tend to use social platforms in essentially the same ways. More active than Eastern users when it comes to photo sharing and managing a social network profile but less active on broadcast behaviors. Microblogging is much lower.
* Chinese and Indian users, are three times as likely as Westerners to microblog, or tweet, as American users.
* Emerging Markets have much more room to grow their internet populations and encourage experimentation whereas behaviors in the West are well established

Full Article & Map: